Aquatic Invasive Species Landing Blitz

Northeast Aquatic Invasive Species Landing Blitz

Beginning June 26, 2024 through July 6, 2024

Boaters and other recreationists learn about the risks of spreading aquatic invasive species (AIS) at public and private boat access sites across the Northeast every summer. The Northeast AIS “Landing Blitz” events take place over a two-week period emphasizing the need to Clean, Drain, Dry boats upon launching and retrieval and to dispose of any unwanted bait in the trash.

Volunteers and paid stewards partner with state and provincial agencies to deliver consistent messaging about preventing the introduction and spread of AIS among waterbodies via watercraft and equipment.

Learn how to prevent the spread of AIS

CLEAN off visible aquatic plants, animals, and mud from all equipment before leaving water access

  •     Rinse equipment and boat hulls (with high pressure, hot water when possible)
  •     Rinse interior compartments of boats with low pressure, hot water (120°F)
  •     Flush motor with hot water (120°F) for 2 minutes (or according to owner’s manual)

DRAIN motor, bilge, live well, and other water containing devices before leaving water access.

DRY everything for at least five days OR wipe with a towel before reuse.

For ANGLERS, the additional step of DISPOSE is recommended:

  • DISPOSE of unwanted bait, worms, and fish parts in the trash. When keeping live bait, drain bait container and replace with spring or dechlorinated tap water. Never dump live fish or other organisms from one water body into another.

See detailed guidance for specific recreational activities

Each state and province has laws and regulations related to invasive species. Please be aware of state/provincial and local laws when taking steps to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species. Links in the “Partners” section below will take you to agency websites with information about relevant laws and regulations.

Report your results

2024 data can be reported at

2023 data can be reported at

2022 data can be reported at

Event media releases




Protecting the marine and freshwater resources of the Northeast from invasive aquatic nuisance species