October 2013 Roundtable updates

12 thoughts on “October 2013 Roundtable updates”

  1. Lake Champlain Basin update for the NEANS Panel October 2013 NY Meeting:
    *Local implementation grants for AIS Spread Prevention are open for up to $15k and eligible grant applications are due November 4th at COB. Please find more info at http://www.lcbp.org
    * The Lake Champlain Basin AIS Rapid Response Task Force has not had to meet to respond to a new or spread of an existing AIS into basin waters during summer 2013. The Task Force will meet this winter to discuss the risk assessment process and to make improvements to the process.
    * The Lake Champlain Basin Program supported 10 boat launch stewards for 4 days a week between Memorial Day and Labor Day (some worked through the end of September) at designated high use NYSDEC and VT Department of Fish and Wildlife boat launches around Lake Champlain. Results will be presented at NALMS 2013 conference.
    * The Champlain Canal barrier feasibility study with the USACE and the New York State Canal Corporation have advanced to a project cooperation agreement with the US Army Corps of Engineers. The Lake Champlain Basin Program trained the first Champlain Canal and Erie Canal boat launch stewards for a pilot program in summer 2013.
    * Asian clams were found in a few more locations in Lake George which indicates that detection of small clams under 2mm in size is challenging and management plans for 2014 are under development.
    * No populations of spiny waterflea have been detected in Lake Champlain as of yet. Monitoring continues in the Champlain Canal, Lake George, and Lake Champlain.

  2. Upcoming event announcement from ME:

    The Maine Department of Marine Resources and Maine SeaGrant are partnering to host a green crab summit on December 16th at the Wells Conference Center in Orono, Maine from 9am-5pm. Details and registration information will be available on the event website as they become available: http://seagrant.umaine.edu/green-crab-summit

    The Summit is free and open to the public, but we ask that you register (via the website) so we can plan for the number of individuals attending.

    The tentative agenda is as follows:

    Keynote: Status of the issue/ecology (Dr. Brian Beal)
    Recent studies and trapping activities (Chris McCarthy, Parks Canada)
    Uses of green crabs
    Control and management
    Establish working groups

    Poster session at lunchtime and breaks

    We strongly encourage representatives of municipal shellfish programs to attend. Case studies will be presented and discussions held on effective catch methods and control strategies.

    Researchers will also be present to discuss predation, habitat alteration and possible commercial uses for green crabs.

    We look forward to an informative and productive day!

  3. Here is an update for MA…

    1) We have an AIS LAW! It is below. Not enforced yet but we’re working on it. Thanks to ME and NH for all the help. (we copied them !)

    2) No new invasives this year.!!! Just the usual.

    3) We have seen an increase in Water Chestnut sightings and growth.. Not sure if other states have seen this?
    18.01: General Provisions
    18.02: Definitions
    18.03: Prohibited Activities
    18.04: Aquatic Nuisance Control Program
    18.05: Orders
    18.06: Quarantines and Emergencies
    18.07: Penalties
    18.08: Enforcement

    18.01: General Provisions
    (1) Authority. The Department of Conservation and Recreation promulgates 302 CMR 18.00 pursuant to the authority granted by M.G.L. c.21, §§ 37B, 37C, 37D; M.G.L. c.21A, § 10H; and M.G.L. c.90B, § 5D.
    (2) Purpose. 302 CMR 18.00 is intended to protect Massachusetts fresh water systems from Aquatic Nuisance Species by establishing an aquatic nuisance control program with enforceable standards, criteria and procedures that will enable the Department to suppress, eradicate, control and otherwise mitigate or reduce the risk of the spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species.
    (3) Construction.
    (a) 302 CMR 18.00 shall be liberally construed to permit the Department of Conservation and Recreation to discharge its statutory functions.
    (b) The Commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Recreation may, in the public interest, or in an emergency, suspend the application of any section of 302 CMR 18.00. DCR will notify the Department of Fish and Game, if feasible, before any such action is taken; otherwise, DCR will notify the Department of Fish and Game as soon thereafter as practicable.
    (c) The Commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Recreation may waive any provision or requirement in 302 CMR 18.00 not specifically required by law when in the Commissioner’s judgment strict compliance with such provision or requirement would result in an undue hardship and would not serve to further the intent of M.G.L. c.21, § 37B; M.G.L. c. 21A, § 10H; M.G.L. c. 90B § 5D.
    (d) No provision of 302 CMR 18.00 shall make unlawful any act necessarily performed by any officer or employee of the Department of Conservation and Recreation performed in the line of duty or as part of his or her work duties, or by any person acting as an agent of the Department of Conservation and Recreation or its employees. This shall be true for any person or his or her agents engaged in performing the proper and necessary execution of the terms and conditions of any agreement with the Department of Conservation and Recreation.
    (e) Nothing in 302 CMR 18.00 shall be construed to or have the effect of limiting the authority of the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife to manage and regulate inland fisheries resources and other wildlife pursuant to G.L. c. 131 or G.L. c. 131A.
    (f) Severability. If any chapter, section, subsection, division or subdivision of 302 CMR 18.00 shall be determined to be invalid, such determination shall apply to the particular chapter, section, subsection, division or subdivision, and all other provisions of 302 CMR 18.00 shall remain valid and in effect.
    18.02: Definitions
    The following words and phrases, when used in 302 CMR 18.00, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them therein except in those instances where the context clearly indicates a different meaning or is otherwise stated.
    Whenever any words and phrases used in 302 CMR 18.00 are not defined therein, such word or phrase shall be construed according to its generally accepted meaning as noted in a dictionary of general usage.

    Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) means non-native species that interfere with or threaten the diversity or abundance of native species, the ecological stability of infested waters, and/or any commercial, agricultural, aquacultural, or recreational activities dependent on such waters. ANS include non-native species that may occur within inland waters and that presently or potentially threaten ecological processes or natural resources.

    Boat transporter means any vehicle combination including a low-boy boat transporter, a stinger-steered boat transporter or a truck-trailer boat transporter, designed and used specifically for the transport of assembled boats and boat hulls; provided, however, that such boats may be partially disassembled to facilitate transportation.
    Clean Boat Certification Program means a program that is established and administered by the Department in coordination with OFBA at public access facilities in areas determined by the Department to be at high or moderate risk for specific ANS, including, without limitation, zebra mussels, which requires users of select public access facilities to certify in writing that their vessels, vehicles, boat transporters, personal watercraft, or other related equipment has been properly decontaminated in accordance with the requirements of the Clean Boat Certification Program.
    Commissioner means the Commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Recreation.
    DCR means the Department of Conservation and Recreation.
    Department means the Department of Conservation and Recreation.
    Duly Authorized Partner means an agent of DCR or an entity working in concert with DCR on the aquatic nuisance control program including, but not limited to, a state agency, state or private program, or state authority, authorized by DCR to engage in the control of Aquatic Nuisance Species. Duly authorized partners will be specifically certified by DCR to engage in activities relating to DCR’s aquatic nuisance control program.
    Inland Waters means all waters within the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth other than coastal waters.
    Inspection means an activity undertaken by authorized DCR personnel or a duly authorized partner to check any vessel, vehicle, boat transporter, personal watercraft, or other equipment that touches the water for the presence of an Aquatic Nuisance Species.

    Low-boy boat transporter means a semi-trailer unit, the trailer of which is designed and used specifically for the transport of assembled boats and hulls; provided, however, that the top surface of the deck platform of such semi-trailer shall not be more than 36 inches above the surface on which the wheels of the vehicle rest.

    Office of Fishing and Boating Access or OFBA means the office within the Department of Fish and Game.

    Personal Watercraft means a vessel which uses an inboard motor powering a water jet pump as its primary source of motive power and which is designed to be operated by persons sitting, standing or kneeling on the vessel.

    Post or Posting means to display in a place of public view in electronic or printed form.

    Stinger-steered boat transporter means a boat transporter configured as a semitrailer combination on which the fifth wheel is located on a drop frame located behind and below the rear-most axle of the power unit.

    Truck-trailer boat transporter means any automobile boat transporter combination that typically uses a ball and socket connection, including a boat transporter combination consisting of a truck towing a trailer typically using a ball and socket connection with the trailer axle thereon located substantially at the trailer center of gravity, rather than at the rear of the trailer, so as to maintain a downward force on the trailer tongue.

    Vessel means as defined in section 1 of M.G.L. c. 90B.
    Watercraft means any boat, ship, vessel, or craft that operates on water, whether moved by oars, paddles, sails or power mechanisms, inboard or outboard, or any other vessel floating, whether capable of self locomotion or not, and may include, but is not limited to, house boats, barges, and similar floating objects.
    18.03: Prohibited Activities
    (1) In order to suppress, control or otherwise mitigate or reduce the risk of the spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS), the following activities are prohibited by 302 CMR 18.00:

    (a) Except as otherwise authorized by the department, no person shall knowingly or intentionally place, or cause to be placed, an ANS in or upon inland waters.

    (b) Except as otherwise authorized by the department, no person shall place or cause to be placed in or upon inland waters any vessel, boat transporter, truck-trailer boat transporter or any other equipment used in conjunction with them that has any plants or animals growing thereon or attached thereto unless such vessel, boat transporter, truck-trailer boat transporter or any other equipment used in conjunction with them has been cleaned, decontaminated or treated to remove the plants or animals in accordance with the requirements of 302 CMR 18.00.

    (c) No person shall transport any vessel, boat transporter, truck-trailer boat transporter or any other equipment used in conjunction with them that has any plants or animals growing thereon or attached thereto.

    18.04: Aquatic Nuisance Control Program

    (1) Generally. The Department shall establish an Aquatic Nuisance Control Program that will: receive and respond to aquatic nuisance complaints; work with municipalities, local interest organizations and agencies to develop long-range programs regarding aquatic nuisance controls; work with federal, state, and local governments to obtain funding for aquatic nuisance control programs; and administer a grant program. The Department shall also study and promote improved methods of suppressing, controlling or otherwise mitigating or reducing the risk of the spread of ANS and shall act in cooperation with federal and state agencies engaged in the study or control of ANS.

    (2) Grant Program.
    (a) Subject to the availability of funds, DCR may provide grants to municipalities, groups of municipalities, or agencies of the Commonwealth, so that such entities can embark on aquatic nuisance control activities.
    (b) When DCR determines that a grant applicant’s proposed aquatic nuisance control program is suitable to control or minimize the effect an Aquatic Nuisance Species has on water quality and water use, it may grant an award of up to 50% or less of the projects costs.
    (c) When a grant applicant proposes a recurring maintenance project, DCR may grant an award of up to 20% of the annual project cost.

    (3) Inspections.
    (a) Vessels, vehicles, boat transporters, personal watercraft, and other equipment are subject to inspections for the presence of Aquatic Nuisance Species.

    (b) DCR may establish a program to inspect vessels, boat transporters, personal watercraft, and other related equipment, including, but not limited to, outboard motors, for the presence of Aquatic Nuisance Species. The inspections may occur at locations throughout the Commonwealth, where DCR deems their presence most advantageous to controlling, suppressing, eradicating, or otherwise mitigating Aquatic Nuisance Species.

    (c) No person may refuse an inspection by DCR or its duly authorized partners.

    (4) Decontamination.

    (a) Standard Techniques. Each person who owns or operates a vessel, vehicle, boat transporter, personal watercraft, or other related equipment must:
    1. Immediately upon leaving any inland water, remove all plants and animals from the vessel, motor, boat trailer, anchors, fishing gear and dive gear and dispose of them on dry land, well away from the water, or in a trash can.
    2. Dispose of livewell, bait bucket and cooling water away from the shore after each use in inland water.
    3. Check, clean and dry all gear after each use in inland water.
    (b) Additional Techniques. In inland waters where DCR has identified an Aquatic Nuisance Species, additional decontamination techniques may be required. The need for, and type of, any such additional decontamination techniques will be determined by DCR. The need for any such additional decontamination techniques will be communicated by DCR via posting. Such additional decontamination techniques may be performed by, or at the direction of, authorized DCR personnel or DCR’s duly authorized partners.
    (c) Public Access Facilities. Where a decontamination facility is administered or approved by DCR, in coordination with OFBA, and offered at a public access facility, users of such facility ramp shall use the decontamination facility as a condition of their use of the public access facility. Where there is no decontamination facility available or in operation at a public access facility, users of public access facilities shall comply with all other applicable decontamination, certification and inspection requirements in 302 CMR 18.00 or specified by the manager of the public access facility.

    (d) Clean Boat Certification Program. In addition to, or in lieu of, inspections and decontamination procedures required for all vessels, vehicles, boat transporters, personal watercraft, or other related equipment, users of a public access facility shall comply with a Clean Boat Certification Program established for that facility.
    18.05: Orders
    The Commissioner may issue such orders as he or she deems necessary to aid in the enforcement of 302 CMR 18.00. Such orders may include, but shall not be limited to, orders requiring persons to cease any activity which is in violation of 302 CMR 18.00, or to carry out activities necessary to bring such person into compliance. Orders may be specific to a particular inland waterbody or region, or specific to a particular Aquatic Nuisance Species.
    18.06: Quarantines and Emergencies
    (1) Upon a finding that an ANS may have a significant, disparate impact on a water body, the Commissioner, in consultation with the Commissioner of the Department of Fish and Game, may issue a temporary or permanent quarantine on the use of such inland waters of the Commonwealth. Such a finding will be made after a risk assessment that evaluates factors including, but not limited to, whether an ANS infestation in a water body is new to the Commonwealth, the risk of spread of the ANS beyond the water body, the geographic location of the infestation, and anticipated ecological, recreational, and economic impacts of the infestation. DCR will post notice of its quarantine at the location of the water body and on the Department’s website..

    (2) Emergency Authority to Regulate Surface Use. When the Commissioner determines that an Aquatic Nuisance Species has infested an inland water body such that the infestation may be made worse or spread by using vessels on the inland water body, the Commissioner, in consultation with the Commissioner of the Department of Fish and Game, may issue an emergency order to restrict, restrict access to, or ban any use of any vessel, or any activity that causes or may cause the spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species, on all or part of such inland water body. Such order may include, but is not limited to, boat ramps, swim beaches, and public access sites. The order must be for a specific period of time. The order may require that any vessel on the water body be removed at specified locations. The order may further require that those boats, trailers, and equipment be inspected and cleaned by designated boat inspectors upon being taken out of the water at specified locations. DCR will post notice of its emergency order at the location of the water body and on its website.

    18.07: Penalties
    (1) The following violations will subject a person to a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100 for the first violation; by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 for a second such violation; and by a fine of not less than $1,000 or imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than 60 days, or both, for a third or subsequent such violation:
    (a) Knowingly or intentionally placing, or causing to be placed, an ANS in or upon inland waters.

    (b) Placing or causing to be placed in or upon inland waters any vessel, boat transporter, truck-trailer boat transporter or any other equipment used in conjunction with them that has any plants or animals growing thereon or attached thereto, unless such vessel, boat transporter, truck-trailer boat transporter or any other equipment used in conjunction with them has been cleaned, decontaminated or treated to remove the plants or animals in accordance with the requirements of 302 CMR 18.00.

    (c) Transporting any vessel, boat transporter, truck-trailer boat transporter or any other equipment used in conjunction with them that has any plants or animals growing thereon or attached thereto.

    (d) Violating any order or quarantine issued by the Commissioner.
    (2) Any person who knowingly and willfully resists or obstructs the department and its duly authorized partners from suppressing or eradicating Aquatic Nuisance Species shall be subject to a civil assessment of not more than $5,000 for each violation; provided, however, that each day such violation occurs or continues shall be deemed a separate violation; provided further, that the penalty may be assessed by the department and may be recovered in an action brought on behalf of the Commonwealth by the attorney general in the superior court.
    (3) In addition to applicable penalties and assessments, the department may bring an action for injunctive relief in the superior court relative to any violation noted in 302 CMR 18.07(1) or (2).
    (4) A person notified to appear before the clerk of the district court as provided in M.G.L. c.21A, §10G for a violation of M.G.L. c.21, §37B may so appear within the time specified and pay a fine of $50.
    (5) The director of the Massachusetts Environmental Police may suspend, revoke, or cancel the certificate of number issued to whoever is convicted of violating M.G.L. c.21, §37B. Such suspension, revocation, or cancellation shall be in addition to the criminal penalties set forth in M.G.L. c.90B, §5D.
    18.08: Enforcement
    (1) The authority to enforce aquatic nuisance laws and regulations on inland waterbodies and boat ramps shall include DCR Rangers, Massachusetts Environmental Police, Massachusetts State Police, local police, or an officially-appointed harbor master within the municipality’s jurisdiction.
    (2) Designated DCR staff shall have the authority to enforce the ANS law and regulations on all properties owned or managed by DCR.

  4. Fall 2013 Update from Vermont DEC

    New Finds: We were fortunate to confirm new sightings of water chestnut (Trapa natans) and European frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) only, species already known from the state. Water chestnut, an annual aquatic plant, was found at three new sites in a previously confirmed area of Lake Champlain within the Missisquioi National Wildlife Refuge, and in Lake Shaftsbury, a 27-acre lake in the northwest region of the state. Search and control efforts were implemented and all confirmed rosettes were removed. European frogbit, a perennial herb, was found in a wetland located in Hubbardton, Vermont. No control efforts were implemented at this site.
    Only 3% of Vermont’s water bodies confirmed with an invasive aquatic plant are considered “heavy” populations. The majority of these are currently considered “light” or scattered areas of growth in limited areas, and either the result of successful local control efforts or detection soon after introduction.

    Didymo population monitoring: No new rivers with didymo (Didymosphenia geminata) infestations were discovered in 2013. No nuisance blooms were reported.

    Water chestnut control occurred in all 24 water bodies confirmed with this invasive aquatic plant. Most of the sites are small and located on the western side of the state within the Lake Champlain Basin. Handpulling continued to be the main control method used at most water chestnut sites. Dense water chestnut populations are now limited to the southern reaches of Lake Champlain only and managed with mechanical harvesting. All water chestnut spoils are composted on area farms.

    Variable-leaved watermilfoil Management: Control and search efforts continued on Vermont’s first variable-leaved watermilfoil population in Halls Lake in Newbury, confirmed in 2008. The response to date is highly successful: although the tally of variable-leaved watermilfoil plants removed since 2008 is over 57 cubic feet, only one variable-leaved plant was found and subsequently removed in 2012 and no plants were found in 2013. Contracted suction harvesting of Vermont’s second population in Missisquoi Bay, Lake Champlain was postponed due to extensive spread resulting from high floodwaters in 2011.

    Aquatic Animal Species Population Monitoring: Eighteen inland lakes deemed vulnerable to zebra mussel establishment, and one river (Connecticut), were monitored for zebra mussel veligers using plankton net sampling during summer 2013. Results of microscopic examination of these samples are not yet available. Known zebra mussel populations in Vermont remain confined to Lake Champlain and Lake Bomoseen.

    State Aquatic Invasive Species Grants: No federal funds were available to support needed municipal grants in 2013. Available state funds totaled only $244,000; requests were in excess of $1,2 million. 33 municipal aquatic invasive species projects were funded year: 22 Eurasian watermilfoil control projects, 10of which also included a boat access area “greeter” program in cooperation with the Department of Fish and Wildlife or local partners; and 12 spread prevention projects, all of which included public boat access area “greeter” programs.

    The Department provided Department of Fish and Wildlife Game Wardens and Department of Public Safety (State Police) with grant funds to support supplemental officer hours at water body access points. Officers provide education and enforcement of Vermont’s aquatic plant, zebra and quagga mussel transport law, and Vermont’s new (April 1, 2011) felt-soled wader prohibition.
    Federal funds were available to provide support to local partners or meet program needs for seasonal aquatic invasive species positions: support for Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge water chestnut rapid response; a shared VTDEC/ Lake Champlain Basin Program position for Lake Steward and water chestnut support; and greeter staffing at two public accesses at the state’s newest brittle naiad (Najas minor) water, 839-acre Waterbury Reservoir, confirmed with brittle naiad in 2012.

    Lake Champlain Cooperative Boat Wash Initiative: The Lake Champlain Basin Program and the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation partnered with car wash stations in Vermont and New York to connect boaters to pressure washing facilities for their boats, trailers and other equipment. Ten car wash stations participated in 2013.

    Statewide Public Access Greeter Program: An additional training workshop was added this year, one held in the central region of the state and one in the North East Kingdom. A greeter reference hand book was developed, distributed to coordinators and staff and posted on the Program website (http://www.vtwaterquality.org/lakes/docs/ans/lp_greetertrainingmanual2013.pdf). 25 Greeter program coordinators received NEANS Panel revised hydrilla watch cards and “Stop Aquatic Hitchhiker” foam key chains for distribution. Final data on number of inspections and incidents where plants or animals were intercepted from established programs is not yet available.

    Volunteer Invasive Patrollers (VIPs): Thirty-one VIPs submitted 44 aquatic invasive species surveys representing 14 of Vermont’s lakes. No new invasive species infestations were reported.

  5. I am still getting settled into my role as Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, but below is a summary of projects being done in the Region, primarily by the Region’s Dive Team:
    – Phil Colarusso has been working on a study of the physical impacts of invasive tunicates on eelgrass. The current phase of the project involves using stable isotopes to measure any impact to the normal food web at a few coastal ponds in Martha’s Vineyard. They have just completed their second year of field work.
    – Eric Nelson has been working with our Chelmsford Lab and NH DES sampling for Asian clams in the Merrimack River and two ponds in southern NH. The sampling took place the week of July 22nd and there is a plan to sample again the first week of November.

  6. Connecicut Lake proponents are asking the legislature to allocate funds for lake management, including Early Detection and Rapid Response and invasive species control. If funds become available, DEEP may be able to use a new Request for Proposals that is in progress with the CT Department of Administrative Services.

  7. Maine DEP Program briefs

    Maine Invasive Aquatic Species Program Update, October 2013
    Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)

    Infestation Status: No new infestations reported; latest VLM infestation surveyed, controlled through nascent effort; no detections in site of oldest hydrilla infestation; local groups hold line on variable milfoil, hydrilla.

    No news is good news: As DEP winds down its 2013 field season, its staff report that no new surface waters have been found to host invasive plants. Fingers remain crossed, however, as autumn can be high season for sightings.

    Ossipee River (Parsonsfield): In 2013 York County Invasive Aquatic Species Project (YCIASP) continued to survey Maine’s latest (2012) infestation, variable-leaf water milfoil (VLM, Myriophyllum heterophyllum), with follow up control efforts by DEP. In September 2013 DEP coordinated removal of the population found in 2012 near the NH border. This amounted to a few small patches – plants removed filled ½ of a five gallon bucket. Surveys by YCIASP farther downstream in 2013, however, revealed additional patches on the Ossipee in Maine. These have yet to be evaluated by DEP for potential control. VLM had been long documented upstream in NH and downstream in Saco River, but hadn’t been found in the Maine reach of the Ossipee until 2012.

    Pickerel Pond (Limerick): DEP conducted one lake-wide SCUBA survey and one point-intercept rake-throw survey, finding no hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) plants. One hydrilla plant was found by DEP SCUBA survey in late summer 2012 after nine consecutive years of herbicide treatment and two years (2010 and 2011) without detection of hydrilla. Hydrilla was initially detected in Pickerel Pond in 2002.

    Damariscotta Lake (Jefferson) hosts Maine’s other hydrilla infestation in two locations: 1) in a .3-acre lagoon quarantined with rip rap barriers from the rest of the 4686-acre lake and 2) in a tributary, Davis Stream, at the north end of the lake. Hydrilla was first discovered in Damariscotta Lake in 2009.

    Control efforts within the lagoon continued to limit growth with benthic barriers but some hydrilla emerged in 2013 in bare substrate beyond extent of barrier coverage or emerging from under edges of barrier material. Surveys within the lagoon revealed (per visit) fewer than 10 plants of hydrilla growing. A DEP SCUBA diver found one outlier plant just beyond the lagoon while conducting a monthly survey.

    A temporary Surface Use Restriction had been ordered for the third consecutive year by the state to limit boat traffic through a portion of Davis Stream. Surveillance of the stream by DEP and volunteers from Damariscotta Lake Watershed Association (DLWA) detected four plants in Davis Stream for the entire 2013 season. Reasons for scant findings are speculative at best, ranging from season-long high waters (making detections difficult) to high-degree of efficacy in past years’ detection and control efforts (by manual removal and benthic barriers).

    DEP has asked DLWA to undertake primary roles for surveillance and control in both sites.

    Great Meadows Stream/Great Pond (Belgrade): The infestation of variable milfoil in the stream and northern portion of the pond received a third consecutive season of hand removal, diver assisted suction harvest (DASH) and benthic barrier control efforts led by the Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance (BRCA) and Belgrade Lakes Association. These organizations hired professional DASH services through much of the summer. This infestation was confirmed in 2010. A temporary Surface Use Restriction authorized by Maine Departments of Environmental Protection and Inland Fisheries and Wildlife was authorized for a third consecutive year to prohibit all watercraft from the stream and a small portion of the pond until year’s end.

    Though variable milfoil is still present throughout the restricted area, an October 2013 survey of this area by BRCA and DEP staff revealed substantial reduction in variable milfoil growth from fall 2012. BRCA continues to carefully monitor three other inlets outside of the restricted area where variable milfoil was found in 2012, and uses removal by hand or benthic barriers to control these small outlier populations. In two of these three inlets, variable milfoil did not return in 2013.

    Areas of likely habitat in other parts of Great Pond are also surveyed by BRCA; no additional population of variable milfoil was found in 2013.

    Salmon Lake (Belgrade): Four SCUBA surveys and three surface surveys between June and September in 2013 resulted in no detection of Eurasian water milfoil (EWM, Myriophyllum spicatum) in Salmon Lake’s Kozy Cove. DEP treated the 6-acre cove with herbicide in September 2009 after manual removal of the then-incipient infestation didn’t achieve desired results. DEP biologists expect and are prepared for this milfoil species to reemerge but are encouraged by the fact that no EWM has been found in the cove from 2010 through 2013 growing seasons. EWM was first detected in Salmon Lake in 2008.

    Courtesy Boat Inspections

    As of this writing, data entry is underway for Maine’s CBI program for 2013. Preliminary accounts suggest another busy season that may contend with 2012’s record-breaking 81,823 Courtesy Boat Inspections, an increase of 5,718 over 2011. To have achieved this, 1,570 additional inspection hours had been logged in 2012 for a total of 41,454 hours, roughly equivalent to 20 full-time employees. Boats were inspected both entering and leaving with the majority of inspections (59%) conducted on boats entering; 2612 inspections (3.2%) yielded plant fragments and 11% of these were invasive plants. Maintaining this high level of prevention effort was a tremendous achievement for local and regional groups running the inspection programs.

    Also in 2012, bass clubs participating in bass tournaments were required to conduct inspections as a condition of their permit from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. As a result 56 bass clubs had conducted 6,316 inspections at tournaments.

    DEP Grant activities

    DEP awarded $105,000 in competitive grants to lake associations and municipalities for boat inspection programs on uninfested lakes in 2013. Further, DEP awarded $80,000 in competitive grants to lake associations working to manage infestations of invasive aquatic plants. Also funded directly was an additional $75,000 to lake associations for boat inspections on infested lakes. Final reports from grantees are currently being submitted to DEP.

    Public Policy for 2013

    No legislation has been enacted for this year.

    For more information, please check DEP’s website http://www.maine.gov/dep/water/invasives/
    or email milfoil@maine.gov.

  8. NY’s update:

    NYS Dept Env Conservation and NY Dept of Ag and Markets required under statute to promulgate lists of regulated and prohibited invasive species. Using the process outlined and agreed to by a full range of stakeholders, and working with NY’s IS Council (9 state agencies) and IS Advisory Committee (25 NGO), a large number of non-native plants and animals were subjected to ecological risk assessments and, for species ranking “high” or “very high”, further subjected to socio-economic assessments for their relative cost/benefit to society. The draft regulations are scheduled to be published in the State Register on 10/23 which will be followed by a 60 day public comment period during which 4 public hearings will be held statewide (Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany, Long Island).

    This State Fiscal Year budget has $4.6 Million in Environmental Protection Fund to implement the former ISTF recommendations, provide $100K to Lake George AIS efforts, and fund control projects.

    NY has made large strides in implementing the former Invasive Species Task Force’s 12 recommendations and currently has contracts for services to:

    * Administer and coordinate 7 of NY’s 8 Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (Western NY should be in contract shortly). Contracts are with NGOs and universities.
    * NY Invasive Species Research Institute at Cornell
    * NY IS Clearinghouse http://www.nyis.info/
    * NY IS Database (aka iMapInvasives) http://www.nyimapinvasives.org/
    * NY Education and Outreach (framework, conference, advisory team)
    * Consultant services for species assessments to inform rule making
    * Several “member item” projects to control invasive species (e.g. hydrilla at Cayuga Lk inlet, several water chestnut control projects in central NY)

    An estimated minimum of 25 full time equivalent staff are working under NYS contracts in the various implementation efforts. State employee staff is still only 2 people at NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation and fully responsible for the large rule making (proposed IS regulations), all contractual procurement and management, all coordination, and all support for the NY IS Council and NY IS Advisory Committee, coordinating and collaborating on invasive species responses, and is frequently called upon to provide immediate, detailed briefs for Executive staff and Governor’s office.

  9. The next ANSTF meeting is scheduled for November 6 and 7 at NOAA HQ in Silver Spring, MD. The following items are on the agenda:
    o Update on plans for next year’s NISAW.
    o Update on the status of the National Asian Carp Surveillance Plan for Outside of the Great Lakes.
    o Tracking the 2013-2017 ANSTF Strategic Plan accomplishments and input for the FY13 Report to Congress.
    o Update on the Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! Program
    o HACCP training in the D.C. Metro Area for the Fall of 2013.
    o Addressing AIS Issues at Federally-managed Water Bodies
    o Updates on Climate Change Report (impact of climate changes on AIS) and Pathway Management Plan Guidance (looking at pathways instead of species specific mgmt plans)
    o Voluntary Approaches to Developing Semi-Green Boats
    o Update on National Snakehead and Lionfish Management and Control Plans
    o QZAP Update
    o eDNA Session
    o Status of Recreational and Water Garden Guidelines (including outreach possibilities)
    o Classroom Guidelines approval
    o Arkansas ANS Management Plan approval
    o Lake Tahoe ANS Plan Update approval
    o Technical Center for Aquatic Nuisance Species
    o Regional Panel funding, updates and recommendations
    o Report from the Ballast Water Workshop
    o Evaluating Harvest as a Tool to Combat AIS

    Not sure about holding a spring meeting due to budget uncertainties. Could be another webinar.

  10. Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program AIS Species Project Coordinator Meghan Johnstone, and L. Champlain Sea Grant Specialist Mark Malchoff conducted an AIS Animal Identification Workshop at Paul Smiths College (NY) Aug. 1, 2013. Eight of 9 workshop survey respondents indicated that their “overall knowledge of aquatic invasive species threatening the Adirondack Park has increased.” The same percentage of respondents indicated that they were “likely to convey much of this information to fellow lake stakeholders, colleagues, friends, etc. Five respondents reported that they would “likely use the workshop information to help strengthen invasive species monitoring efforts on Upper Saranac Lake, Lakes Clear, Jordan, Amber, Fern and Champlain.”

  11. New Brunswick is involved in the Development of an Aquatic Invasive Species Regulation on the Canada Fisheries Act.
    Recently discovered the sale of Rainbow Snakehead in local pet stores, NB does not have a list of prohibited speceies and is trying to determine how to proceed with this.
    Been periodic reports of KOI in the Saint John River.
    NB is still involved with a Marine Invasive Species monitoring program.

  12. We are looking forward to seeing you in Glens Falls, NY for the fall NEANS Panel meeting. Please provide your roundtable update on this page so that everyone may share their progress since the spring meeting. Thank you.

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