May 2012 meeting roundtable updates

Dear NEANS Panelists and ANS friends,

Please post to this page your Roundtable updates so that those not at the meeting will be able to read them and to keep the meeting summaries concise.

Thank you.

Michele L. Tremblay

11 thoughts on “May 2012 meeting roundtable updates”

  1. NYS DEC’s Office of Invasive Species Coordination continues coordinating management and funding for the infestation of hydrilla in Cayuga Lake Inlet discovered in August, 2011. NY invested approximately $90,000 in direct support and over 1 year of professional staff time. Treatment using endothall followed by diver hand harvest in an area discovered too late to be included in the herbicide treatment permit. 2012 plans include herbicide treatment using endothall in 166 acres of the inlet and a novel approach treating 3 tributaries that the endothall will not reach using fluridone drip in 3 specially-made dispensing units and pellets in shallow waters upstream from the drip dispensers. Since pesticide pellets are prohibited from use in waters less than 2 ft deep in NY, NY implemented an emergency rule making to allow this use. Monitoring for hydrilla germination will inform the timing of the endothall treatment. Extensive pre- and post-treatment monitoring for hydrilla will be done as well as water quality sampling for herbicide residual. Cayuga Lk is a water supply and the location of the infestation is in Ithaca where herbicide use would typically be strongly opposed; however, transparent and credible outreach by NGO partners has garnered very strong support in the community. Funding for treatment in 2012 will be through a GLRI grant and state funds and will likely cost over $600,000.
    NYS Invasive Species Council drafted 2 invasive species bills in late 2010 – 1 aimed at regulating non-native species in trade and the other at boat transport. A version of the “list bill” has been introduced into the legislature. Should the bill pass and be signed into law, the Department of Environmental Conservation will need to work closely with the Dept of Agriculture and Markets to produce a joint list of regulated species within 18 months of bill enactment. This will be a challenge due to the differing agency missions. DEC is preparing to release a Request for Quotes competitive bid process for risk assessments for a priority list of animals and plants.
    NY filed its 401 WQ certificate for ballast water with USEPA.
    Hurricanes Irene and Lee in late Aug and early Sept, respectively, devastated communities and dramatically changed riparian habitats. Anecdotal reports of invasive species such as Japanese knotweed moving downsteam and forming new populations are coming in from partners. In addition, equipment used to dredge and clear channels in a very agressive effort may have introduced or moved invasive species.
    NY’s invasive species database – iMapInvasives – has a new mobile application that links to the browser and allows on-the-spot upload of invasive species occurance data. DEC partnered with a local preserve, the Catskills PRISM, and TNC (iMap contractor) for a promotional event to get citizen scientists out on the landscape mapping invasives and back into the local library to see the results in real time online. These events will be held in other locations statewide. iMapInvasives also offers training to any group interested; see
    That’s about it from NY.

  2. MIT Sea Grant College Program is one of the partners (MArk Wiley, NH Sea Grnat and Beth Bisson, ME Sea GrantO in a recently awarded grant to develop a Chinese mitten crab (CMC) management plan for the Northeast and develop an outreach program. We have begun to identify areas that offer CMC potential habitat. We are coordinating with Kevin Cute’s initiative.

    Published a Prevent invasions flyer – available as a PDF for reproduction by anyone who wants to use it.
    Continue to populate a regional marine invasion tracking and information system ( Data from all sources are accepted; MITIS is part of the global OBIS database.

    Revisiting two field sites to review status of brackish water barnacle and a warm water polychaete with fellow NEANS Panelists, James Carlton and Adrienne Pappal.

    Continuing to work with our MIT SG autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Lab and investigators form Universities of Maine and Connecticut to (1) use a hyperspectral radiometer to detect Didemnum and (2) develop a conceptual model on spread and dispersion based on field data.

  3. •Lower Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (LGLFWCO) initiated early detection surveys as part of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI). Sites in eastern and western Lake Erie as well as western Lake Ontario are being sampled in spring, summer, and fall as part of a basin-wide effort with USFWS offices in the Midwest. Gear being used includes bottom trawl, gill nets, electrofishing, and a benthic sled.
    •LGLFWCO biologists continue risk assessments as part of the USFWS GLRI project across the basin. In 2011-2012, a new climate matching program was developed to improve both the resolution and climate change forecasting ability of the existing protocol.
    •State grant agreements are in various stages of completion, depending on which year. 2011 agreements are in place for two states and close to review for the others. The 2012 agreements or modification process will proceed once the announcement is posted to This is currently being worked on by the Washington Office staff.
    •A mechanical harvesting contract has been awarded for the third year in a row for waterchestnut in the western end of the New York State Canal. Weekly early detection surveys will begin outside the source area in June. Last year, a 20% decline in harvested plants was recorded when compared to the previous year.
    •The LGLFWCO field office can now be found on Facebook at:

  4. CT Sea Grant – preparing for second year of grant project to educate coastal boaters and anglers about keeping hulls clean and proper disposal of bait, in conjunction with bait retailers and 3 Divisions of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Sea Partners Program.

    Worked with CT DEEP and CT ANS Working Group to finalize draft EDRR based on Incident Command System.

    Working with bi-state group to determine how to proceed with draft LIS Interstate AIS Management Plan

    Funded participation by Doug Jensen in CT-MA meeting on zebra mussels as keynote speaker.

  5. Vermont May 2012 update

    A total of 100 water bodies have been documented with an aquatic, non-native and invasive plant: Eurasian or variable watermilfoil, water chestnut, yellow-floating heart, European frog-bit, brittle niad or crly leaf pondweed. However, of those, only 3% are considered “heavy” populations. At this point, the majority of Vermont’s known aquatic, non-native and invasive plant populations are currently considered “light” meaning scattered areas of growth in limited areas. Many of these populations have been successfully targeted by local control efforts or were detected soon after introduction. The remainders, 35%, are considered moderate infestations.

    Rapid Response
    Vermont’s new emergency permitting authority aimed at initiating a rapid response to a new invasive species invasion was authorized under a General Permit in March 2011. VTDEC requested and received coverage under the General Permit for the use of diver operated suction harvesting on variable-leaved watermilfoil in Lake Champlain. Variable-leaved watermilfoil was first confirmed in Missisquoi Bay, Lake Champlain in fall 2008. Unfortunately, a rapid response control effort of the variable-leaved watermilfoil population in Missisquoi Bay has been determined to not be feasible. Surveys conducted in 2011 identified significant spread of the population, likely from spring and fall flooding. Adequate resources do not exist to control this expanded population. Another factor that weighed into the decision to abandon rapid response was the determination by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to not control a population of variable-leaved watermilfoil discovered in 2011 in South Bay in the southern reaches of Lake Champlain. Spread prevention initiatives by both state agencies will be ramped up to address both populations.

    Regional Invasive Species Leadership Initiative: The newly formed inter-state invasive plant collaboration, the Connecticut River Watershed Invasive Species Leadership Initiative– spearheaded by the Silvio O. Conte National Wildlife Refuge—is off and running. A joint meeting of both the Steering Committee and membership CISMA partners was help in April in MA. The six subwatershed “CISMAs” in the region — two in Vermont; two in CT; one in MA; and one spanning portions of Vermont, New Hampshire and Quebec – are coordinating on resource sharing, trainings and early detection and rapid response actions within the watershed.

    Boat launch monitoring
    Vermont’s 5th annual training workshop for boat access greeters was held in May for anyone staffing or supervising an access area greeter program during 2012 or those interested in starting a new greeter program. Thanks to a grant obtained in 2011, new tools – greeter on duty sandwich board signs and t-shirts – were distributed to attendees. The new tools will provide needed visibility for statewide programs as well as a consistent visual.

    State Aquatic Invasive Species Grants
    Approximately $425,000 from a portion of state motorboat registration funds and federal Army Corps of Engineer monies will support 38 grants to municipalities managing aquatic invasive species in 2012: a mix of spread prevention related programs and Eurasian watermilfoil control efforts throughout Vermont.

    In November, 2011, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources issued a Pesticide General Permit (PGP). The PGP covers pesticide applications to, over or near Vermont waters for mosquito and other flying insect pest control; weed and algae control; animal pest control; and for forest canopy pest control. Although Vermont’s PGP will cover the requirements under the NPDES program, the need to obtain a state Aquatic Nuisance Control permit has not changed for pesticide applications. The PGP clearly describes the categories of entities that must apply for coverage (submitting a Notice of Intent application). However, irrigation return flows and agricultural stormwater runoff do not require NPDES permits even when they contain pesticides or pesticide residues, as the Clean Water Act specifically exempts these categories of discharges. A copy of the NPDES PGP with fact sheet and a Notice of Intent application are available at

    Vermont Invasive Patrollers (VIPs) volunteer monitoring early detection In 2011, a volunteer alerted DEC staff that a Eurasian watermilfoil fragment had been discovered on the shore near the Shadow Lake (Glover, VT) boat ramp by an observant boat launch greeter/inspector. Follow up by volunteers and DEC staff led to the discovery of an incipient population and rapid initiation of a control effort. While spread prevention is the first line of defense against new infestations, early detection and rapid response are also vital, as they greatly improve the prospects for preventing an invasive species from becoming permanently established. Certified VIPs documented at least 30 surveys on 17 waterbodies in 2011.

  6. Maine DEP Program briefs

    Maine revamps infestation map

    Maine DEP rolled out a new, more comprehensive list of waters impacted by invasive aquatic plants. The list represents the state of Maine infestations by grouping effected contiguous lakes, rivers and streams as lake systems and then identifying infested waters within each system.

    The 2012 infestation list provides more data, identifying small waters that are part of larger systems but known by unique names. The outcome is more meaningful information for boaters and others who make decisions based on whether a given water body is infested.
    Old criteria for listing infestations had lumped together contiguously impacted water bodies with less precision, leaving out names of interconnecting waters, ponds within rivers and tributaries from the list of infestations

    Infestation Status: One less infestation, optimism for two lakes, hydrilla challenges and two surface use restrictions

    Middle Range Pond (Poland) is one name missing from the aforementioned 2012 infested waters list. With credit going to the Range Ponds Environmental Association, DEP recognized late last year three years without detecting variable-leaf water milfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum), earning Middle Range Pond official removal from the state roster of infested water bodies. Association volunteers used mechanical controls, primarily benthic barriers and pulling by hand.

    Pickerel Pond (Limerick) has created a cautiously optimistic buzz for shoreline residents and the DEP invasive species staff. Two consecutive seasons of finding no hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) in the 46-acre pond enables the DEP in 2012 to likely forgo herbicide treatment of the pond for the first time in nine years. Meanwhile, members of the Pickerel Pond Association are stepping up for training at an upcoming Invasive Plant Patrol workshop and have expressed commitment to monitor the pond. Their goal: early detection of hydrilla, should it rebound, and other invasive species. DEP will survey the pond again in 2012 by way of surface observation and SCUBA diving. Hydrilla was first detected in Pickerel Pond in 2002.

    Damariscotta Lake (Jefferson): DEP finally quarantined a portion of Maine’s second hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) infestation by closing the second and last inlet that connected the infested lagoon with the rest of the 4686-acre lake. Mild weather compounded by snow cover on lake ice over the last two winters had prevented heavy equipment necessary to deploy rip rap via ice cover. However, extraordinary (and fortunate) conditions in mid February (lower-than-usual water levels and frozen substrate) permitted equipment to deliver rip rap from the shoreline over the lagoon bed. Hydrilla was first discovered in Damariscotta Lake in 2009.

    Beginning early June Maine DEP staff will facilitate local volunteer efforts to begin frequent and routine monitoring and hand-removal of hydrilla found last autumn thriving in a stream feeding the lake, about three miles north of the lagoon infestation. With support of volunteers from the Damariscotta Lake Watershed Association (DLWA), DEP will resume hand removal of these patches and deploy benthic barriers. DEP is fortunate that DLWA exists to provide local support for and active participation in the prevention and removal effort.

    DEP and the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW) banned all boat access to the infested portion of the stream by declaring a temporary Surface Use Restriction for the entire 2012 boating season effective March 23.

    Two adjacent private ponds in the Midcoast region containing Maine’s third hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) infestation discovered in summer 2011 may be addressed by draining the larger of two ponds to attempt winter kill of tubers. A DEP SCUBA diver attempted to find the drain outlet in late 2011 to no avail. This effort will be repeated in 2012.

    Salmon Lake (Belgrade) also shows promise…for now. Four SCUBA surveys of Salmon Lake’s Kozy Cove in 2011 by DEP divers with supporting surveillance by local residents found no Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum, EWM) since treating the 6-acre cove with herbicide in September 2009. DEP biologists say it is a matter of when and not if this persistent milfoil species will reemerge; however, DEP staff and surely Salmon Lake residents are pleased to see this inevitability postponed. When EWM does rebound, DEP will focus on hand-removal and benthic barriers to control a repeated, albeit smaller, invasion.

    Pleasant Hill Pond (Scarborough): With the help of the pond’s owner, Maine DEP in 2011 addressed the resurgence of Eurasian water milfoil by deploying benthic barriers over a dense portion of the infestation. With DEP guidance, the owner will continue to take charge of monitoring and redeploying barriers in 2012. This infestation was discovered in 2003.

    Great Meadows Stream/Great Pond (Belgrade): Maine DEP and DIFW Commissioners reauthorized a Surface Use Restriction for the entire 2012 boating season to prevent power boat traffic (non-powered craft will be permitted after September 21) into areas undergoing variable water milfoil control (hand removal, benthic barriers); the control efforts are led by the Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance and Belgrade Lakes Association. This infestation was confirmed in 2010.

    Boat inspections for 2012

    The 2011 boating season was yet again another record-breaker: inspectors conducted 76,105 Courtesy Boat Inspections (CBIs), an increase of 3,677 over 2010. To achieve this, 2,719 additional inspection hours were logged in 2011 for a total of 39,884 hours, roughly equivalent to 19 full-time employees. Boats were inspected both entering and leaving with the majority of inspections (59%) conducted on boats entering. Maintaining this high level of prevention effort is a tremendous achievement for local and regional groups running the inspection programs.

    Highlights included 154 launch sites on 116 water bodies conducted CBIs (14 of which were infested), 1786 inspections (2.4%) yielded plant fragments—native or invasive (of these interceptions, 287 (16%) were invasive species found mostly on boats exiting infested waters), and 50 organizations hosted CBIs.

    For the second year in a row, bass clubs participating in bass tournaments were required to conduct inspections as a condition of their permit from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. As a result 65 bass clubs conducted 6,532 inspections at tournaments.

    Public Outreach for 2012

    Maine DEP has declared 2012 “the Year of the Boater Self-Inspection.” With support from the Department Commissioner’s office, publicity will escalate on the importance of inspecting boats and boating gear for preventing new infestations.

    More information
    Please check DEP’s website
    or email

  7. The CRMC initiated its Marine AIS Monitoring Project in 2009 when it organized and trained volunteers to identify AIS at floating docks. Since that time, the CRMC has expanded its monitoring activities to include:

    o continued monitoring of floating docks for the presence, abundance, and distribution of various invertebrate and algal AIS

    o a cooperative larval settlement project in partnership with Dr. Dale Leavitt, Roger Williams University and the Ocean State Aquaculture Association, through which larval settlement plates are deployed at floating docks, fixed piers, and aquaculture facilities to investigate competition and other community level dynamics

    o monitoring emergent wetlands vegetation and other habitats for the presence, abundance, and distribution of the Oriental shrimp Paleomon macrodactylus, a recently discovered non-native species of grass shrimp

    o a pilot project to monitor eelgrass beds for the presence of AIS via an autonomous underwater vehicle provided by the EPA Atlantic Ecology Division. It is anticipated that the project will be initiated during the summer of 2012 (in planning phase)

    o a cooperative environmental PCR project with Dr. Brian Wysor, Roger Williams University, intended to generate gene sequences of organisms present in ballast water tanks on vessels with ports-of-call in Narragansett Bay(in planning phase).

    CRMC has also drafted the state’s first marine AIS regulations and they will be ready for peer review shortly after the time of this writing. A primary purpose of the regulations is to promote the establishment of an Early Detection – Rapid Response network for marine AIS in Rhode Island. In this way monitoring for AIS (early detection) becomes integrated into a broader resource management initiative to control (rapid response) the impacts of AIS on the state’s coastal resources.

  8. Nova Scotia Invasive Species Updates for the Spring NEANS Meeting
    May 2012

    Regulatory Changes
    Amendments to Provincial Legislation, i.e. Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act, have allowed for the development of regulations to address aquatic invasive species issues such as live possession and transport. A prohibition on the possession of live fish regulation was drafted and is still being reviewed by our legislative review committee. It is hoped that new regulations will be in place during the 2012 angling season. Concurrently, Federal Fisheries and Oceans have proposed similar regulation changes that will compliment provincial efforts. In addition to live possession restrictions, Federal amendments to the Fisheries Act are designed to enable the provinces to more effective address aquatic invasive species issues.

    Outreach and Education
    The Inland Fisheries Advisory Council (IFAC) is a committee made up of the major sportfishing organizations in Nova Scotia. At the request of the Canadian Association of Smallmouth Anglers an aquatic invasive species working group has been formed; designed to discuss provincial AIS issues and develop strategies to address them. The committee is chaired by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture and has representatives from: (1) Nova Scotia Salmon Association, (2) the Canadian Association of Smallmouth Anglers, (3) Trout Unlimited, (4) Trout Nova Scotia, (5) the Nova Scotia Federation of Anglers and Hunters , and (6) the Atlantic Salmon Federation.
    Outreach and Education projects continue in collaboration with other non-government organizations such as the Mersey – Tobeatic Research Institute who will be developing a field guide to invasive species, the Invasive Species Alliance of Nova Scotia and Project UFO Additionally, invasive species discussion threads have been incorporated into classroom discussions and curriculum for our Learn to Fish (L2F) Program that targets youth ages 8-12

    Monitoring & Research, Early Detection and Rapid Response
    Nova Scotia Freshwater Fisheries Research Cooperative (FFRC)
    The purpose of the FFRC is to aid in determining the health and status of the freshwater sport fishery and to evaluate the strategies used to enhance and sustain the freshwater sport fishery. The main objective is to address research questions that are directly relevant to sport fish management issues and incorporate results into strategies to maintain and improve freshwater sport fisheries. Research projects will be recommended for funding based on their relevance to scientific merit and priority activities to evaluate: (1) Population status of provincially managed sport fish, (2) Special Management Areas regulations, (3) Habitat factors that limit sport fish production, (4) Habitat restoration initiatives, (4) Population enhancement activities, (5) parasites and diseases of provincially managed sport fish, and (6) impact of invasive/introduced species. Projects funded so far that are directed at aquatic invasive species include an evaluation of the impact of chain pickerel (Esox niger) on the East River, NS and assessing changes in lake fish communities following the introduction of smallmouth bass and chain pickerel based on historical lake survey records.
    Rapid Response Plans to new occurrences of aquatic invasive species are being considered for species such as smallmouth bass, chain pickerel and goldfish. High priority investigations include the potential for chain pickerel to get into the upper Mersey River watershed (i.e. Kejimkujik National Park), the occurrence and possible negative impacts of smallmouth bass to the globally endangered Atlantic whitefish (Coregonus huntsmani) and the illegal introduction of smallmouth bass into endangered Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) habitat.

  9. New Hampshire Updates
    Prepared by Amy Smagula, NH Department of Environmental Services (DES)

    Prevention and Early Detection:
    Prevention and early detection activities are key elements of the New Hampshire Exotic Species Program and serve as the first (prevention) and second (early detection) lines of defense when it comes to invasives. In partnership with DES, the New Hampshire Lakes Association is gearing up for another summer of Lake Host (launch watch) activities (with state, federal and local funds), aiming to cover 99 access sites across New Hampshire. In 2011, this program covered 92 access sites and performed 68,158 inspections, yielding 39 ‘saves.’ For early detection activities, several groups of Weed Watchers are slated to receive new or refresher trainings throughout the summer of 2012, expanding the program to more than 250 waterbodies across the state.

    Rapid Response:
    There was the need for just one rapid response initiative in New Hampshire in 2011, which was initiated when a vigilant Conservation Officer found a small patch of variable milfoil in a pond in southern New Hampshire. The Officer reported the infestation and DES biologists surveyed the waterbody and found only two small patches of growth near the public access site of the pond. The biologists dove on the site twice and installed a small benthic barrier. By the end of the growing season the plants appeared to have been successfully eradicated, but additional field work in 2012 will either prove or disprove that hope. There have been no new reports of invasives yet this year (one false alarm was reported that proved to be filamentous green algae), but the invasives and even some natives are actively growing at this point.

    Long-Term Management:
    In the fall 2011 edition of the Nor’Easter, I reported that state agencies in New Hampshire (along with valuable input by contractors, water supply managers and interested laypeople) were working to improve communications among agencies and programs with a stakeholder interest in aquatic plant management and systems in which these activities were taking place. Much emphasis was placed on revising content and format of an existing long-term management plan template. The revised template is in its second draft phase at the moment, and will hopefully be completed and ready to use for 2013 projects.

    Several projects are underway for 2012. DES is providing grant funds for chemical and/or non-chemical control activities in 28 waterbodies across the state. Many projects include an integrated approach at management, with non-chemical means of control edging out the number of herbicide treatments.

    No changes to program funding have occurred, though many towns and interested parties have made contact with state legislators in New Hampshire to request legislation to increase program funding for exotic plant control activities. It is early to tell if this will be a possibility or not.

    Program Report:
    Over the winter a draft program report was developed for 2009-2011 program activities. The program report covers all activities and aspects of the New Hampshire Exotic Species Program, including prevention, early detection, management, revenues, expenditures and more. The report is in review at this time and should be published electronically on the DES website sometime during summer 2012 at on the Exotic Species page.

    During the 2011-2012 legislative session, two bills pertaining to aquatic herbicide use were heard. Both had language that related to potentially banning use of aquatic herbicides within public water supplies, or at least within 10 miles of public water supply intakes. The Department of Environmental Services offered testimony in opposition to the bills, citing that such legislation would inhibit the state’s ability to control invasive plants. A complicating factor to both bills was that they referenced fluoridation of water in the drinking water treatment process, so both topics included in bills muddied the separate issues. One of the two bills was deemed inexpedient to legislate, and the one bill that continues to move forward focuses primarily on fluoridation of drinking water, and does not include discussion of aquatic herbicide use anymore.

    NPDES Permitting:
    The roll out of the NPDES permit for aquatic pesticide use in October has not seemed to cause much problem yet on the state level in New Hampshire. Fortunately the contractors we work with have served as middle ground for much of the additional work that is required, and most state programs (in New Hampshire at least) have not really seen much by way of additional workload as a result of the permit requirement, though this may not always be the case as project scope and type change from year to year. What additional work that has been required has been minimal and easy to factor into those projects that required it.

  10. Update to Panel
    Centre of Expertise for Aquatic Risk Assessment (CEARA):
    Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s CEARA plans to continue with several pathway risk assessments: aquarium, water garden, baitfish, live food, ballast water and recreational boating, pending funding. The ship-mediated risk assessments for the Great Lakes and Arctic were completed and peer reviewed Spring 2011, while the risk assessment for the Pacific and Atlantic coasts was peer reviewed March 2012. The information from all four areas will feed into a national assessment of the ship-mediated pathway in 2013. A report was published for the Biological Supply House project led by Oregon Sea Grant (the Great Lakes is one of the focus areas of that project). The report characterizes this pathway for BC. A biological synopsis was drafted, and is currently in review, for Membranipora membranacea, the coffin box bryozoan. A report summarizing the survey results of anglers regarding the use of live bait was also completed. Work continues to complete a national recreational boating pathway, with an aim to have a peer review in the fall of 2013. CEARA led a bi-national risk assessment for Asian carps which will target the Great Lakes to provide advice on key questions to inform prevention, monitoring and control actions. Other work to be conducted this year will be determined shortly upon receiving budget information.

    All completed documents associated with CEARA are available at: or by contacting CEARA Manager: Becky Cudmore,

  11. Dear NEANS Panelists and ANS friends,

    Please post your May 2012 Meeting Roundtable updates to this page so that we may keep the meeting summary concise and those not at the meeting can benefit from hearing about your activities.

    Thank you,
    Michele L. Tremblay
    naturesource communications

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