Dear NEANS Panelists and ANS friends,
Please post to this page your Roundtable updates so that those not at the meeting will be able to read them and to keep the meeting summaries concise.
Thank you.
Michele L. Tremblay
Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel Forum
published by and for the Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel
Dear NEANS Panelists and ANS friends,
Please post to this page your Roundtable updates so that those not at the meeting will be able to read them and to keep the meeting summaries concise.
Thank you.
Michele L. Tremblay
Updates from the Lake Champlain Basin Program:
-The Lake Champlain boat launch steward program will support 2 stewards in QC, 9 in VT, and 1 in NY and will be heavily supplemented with Paul Smiths College Adirondack Watershed Institute stewards on the NY side of the lake. Two watercraft decontamination units will be purchased for use on the VT side of the lake.
-The Lake Champlain State of the Lake 2018 was released June 15th, 2018:
-The Champlain Canal barrier feasibility study work is underway.
– Water chestnut control continues with mechanical and hand harvesting efforts in Lake Champlain. One new site in the Black Creek Marsh in St. Albans a few years ago is being aggressively hand harvested.
– Spiny water flea populations in Lake Champlain were nearly undetectable (only a few specimens found) during the 2017 field season.
New Hampshire Updates:
We have drafted a statewide Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan, and submitted it over the winter for an “off the record” preliminary review. Review comments have been received, and we will be working on edits to finalize the draft soon, for a formal review.
On January 1, 2017, New Hampshire adopted Clean and Drain legislation, requiring boaters to clean off all plants from their transient gear, and to drain their water-containing devices, and trailer them in the “open drain” position to allow as much water to drain as possible. There are fines associated for violating this law.
We are currently working on drafting an Exotic Species Program Report to cover the 2013 to 2017 timeframe. The report will include information on all aspects and activities of the Exotic Species Program over that timeframe. The report should be available online in summer 2018.
NH is completing a report on a field study to evaluate the population and habitat conditions of Asian clam in New Hampshire. That will be available in spring 2018.
A feasibility study was funded to evaluate the type and scope of future boat wash stations in NH, including any necessary legislation, regulations, ordinances, etc. An array of pilot projects were also identified as part of this study. DES will be exploring options and next steps from partners.
MIT Sea Grant is focusing on supporting research grants in ocean acidification and technologies to improve measurements of ocean acidification. There continues to be interest in the effect of ocean acidification on shellfish. Of interest is the spreading of Ostrea edulis into new communities along the coast.
Carolina Bastidas and I have completed the field work of our “plate study” where we deployed PVC plates each month to capture what species are present after one, two and three months for a year in two locations, the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Buzzards Bay and New England Aquarium, Boston, MA. Needless to say the field work has been accomplished, the identification of species is still ongoing (for 180 plates and many very small, newly settled species). Our goal was to gain insights into which species are more successful and whether non-native species are better at occupying space and settling earlier. Stay tuned.
Christina has provided an overview of the state’s activities, so I won’t duplicate her comments.
In general, there is no interest in NOAA for supporting marine invasions and it is no longer a line item. Thus, funding is limited and up to the groups like NEERS, Sea Grants, and CZM programs to keep this interest going.
NEANS Panel round table update from R. Bernier, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Gulf Region, April 2018.
-As of 2017, 11 marine Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) have been confirmed in Atlantic Canadian waters (DFO Atlantic Zone AIS monitoring program). Ciona intestinalis, Styela clava, Botryllus schlosseri, and Botrylloides violaceus remain the most problematic non-indigenous tunicate species in the sGSL. C. intestinalis and S. clava remain mostly off the east cost of PEI possibly due to increased management efforts pertaining to shellfish introduction and transfer restrictions as well as via recommended product treatment related to these transfers. B. schlosseri and B. violaceus are generally becoming more widespread within the sGSL. Diplosoma listerianum had previously been detected from the Magdalen Islands (2008/2010-2011) and in PEI (2011), but were not detected in the sGSLfrom 2012-2016 (see Ma et al., 2016; DFO Quebec Region biologist, Nathalie Simard, has confirmed finding dense coverage of D. listerianum in fall of 2017 on their biofouling collector lines in Havre-Aubert (Magdalen Islands).
-Distribution range of Didemnum vexillum remains within the Minas Basin and in the upper (Greville) and lower (northwest of Yarmouth) Bay of Fundy, off the northeastern coast of Nova Scotia. This species has been identified as a high risk invader for the Bay of Fundy and a detailed level risk assessment for this species in Atlantic Canada has recently been published (Moore et al., 2018;
-European green crabs demonstrated a significant abundance reduction in 2014-2015 in monitored bays. However, green crab abundance has since recovered and is steadily increasing (2016-2017) according to ongoing DFO green crab monitoring.
-A national-level risk assessment of marine recreational boating was conducted and suggests that primary introduction and secondary spread of non-indigenous species can be an important vector in temperate Canadian marine ecoregions (see Simard et al., 2017; A more in-depth assessment of this vector in Atlantic Canada has been recently submitted for publication.
-Collaborating with DFO Gulf Region’s Molecular Biology Unit on GRDI project on eDNA methods for early detection of AIS (i.e., taxonomic expertise and AIS sample collection); Currently working with researchers at the metabarcoding lab of the University of New Brunswick (UNB) (providing samples for nuisance, filamentous algae identification).
-Recently revised AIS regulations (2015) under Canada’s Fisheries Act includes lists of species that (a) should not enter the country (listed as prohibited), or (b) are already in Canada but should not be moved around (listed as controlled). In 2017, federal budget funding was allocated for a new DFO AIS National Core Management Program (under the Fisheries Protection Program) who is responsible for the implementation of AIS regulations pertaining to Canada’s aquatic environments. DFO Science AIS Program (Gulf Region) is working closely with our regional Core Management Program coordinator on many AIS issues on the Atlantic coast.
Maine Invasive Aquatic Species Program Update, April 2018
John McPhedran, Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
Maine DEP Invasive Aquatic Species Report Card
Two previously-undocumented infestations of variable leaf water-milfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum) were confirmed in 2017. One is in a small impoundment upstream of the Kennebec River in Norridgewock, Maine. The variable leaf water-milfoil is firmly established in the impoundment and is accompanied by robust native plant growth. The DEP will investigate in 2018 areas downstream of the impoundment in the Kennebec River.
The second new infestation is in 5,295-acre Long Lake in Naples, Maine. Long Lake extends eleven miles in the heart of the western Maine lakes region and is a critical recreational and economic resource for the towns of Bridgton, Harrison and Naples.
A Long Lake angler noticed a suspicious plant at a campground marina in early August 2017 and reported the discovery to Lakes Environmental Association (LEA), the regional lake protection organization. LEA’s identification of M. heterophyllum was confirmed by DEP staff and verified with DNA analysis.
Maine DEP’s commitment of rapid response funds allowed LEA to divert one plant management crew to Long Lake to manually remove plants (with diver-assisted suction harvest, DASH) and place benthic barriers in the heavily-infested marina. Lower density plant growth in the cove beyond the marina was manually removed by LEA and DEP divers.
Meanwhile, LEA organized a plant survey of the southern third of Long Lake to determine the extent of infestation. Surveyors from LEA and the Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP) determined that variable leaf water-milfoil was confined to the marina and adjacent cove – good news indeed.
Efforts planned in Long Lake for 2018 include surveying the remainder of the lake, strengthening courtesy boat inspections at access points to the lake (3 public ramps) and revisiting infested areas for additional management. A September 2017 meeting hosted by elected officials of the three towns and attended by local businesses and lake users revealed strong interest in protecting this resource.
Najas minor in Maine/New Hampshire border water
Maine DEP continued in 2017 to work with New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES), Three Ponds Protective Association (TPPA) and York County Invasive Aquatic Species Project (YCIASP) to address the European naiad (N. minor) infestation discovered in 2015 by a VLMP-trained Invasive Plant Patroller in the Milton Three Ponds impoundment of Salmon Falls River. The densest growth is in the northern most waterbody of the impoundment – Northeast Pond – which has extensive shoreline in Maine and New Hampshire.
Control measures implemented in 2017 included manual removal (some with DASH) and herbicide application. Herbicide (diquat dibromide) was applied by a contractor in late July 2017 to control extensive, dense N. minor growth in a 41-acre area on the Maine side of 684-acre Northeast Pond. Pre-treatment monitoring including a point-intercept rake throw survey in the area proposed for herbicide treatment. A separate contractor removed plants manually from sparsely- to moderately-infested N. minor locations identified in 2015 and 2016 surveys.
Funding for plant control and survey work came from Maine DEP and NH DES grants, municipalities of Lebanon, ME and Milton, NH, and the TPPA.
Late 2017 plant surveys revealed that the herbicide treatment and manual removal efforts reduced the extent of N. minor in the impoundment. Scattered N. minor plants were still observed in fall surveys, not surprising considering the nature of this plant and the extent of the infestation. Annual surveying and removal will be needed to manage this infestation.
Approximately two miles downstream on the Salmon Falls River, YCIASP representatives, VLMP volunteers and DEP surveyed Spaulding Pond again in 2017 for N. minor locations. N. minor was widely scattered in the north end of the Spaulding; one significant patch was located. DEP divers manually removed plants found in fall 2017.
Courtesy Boat Inspection Program Data Entry
DEP has embarked on a program to initially urge and eventually require groups conducting boat inspection programs to enter data electronically and submit the data for upload into DEP’s data base. Data were previously entered by DEP staff or temporary employees but DEP’s data management unit determined in 2016 that support for data entry would be phased out.
The transition to data entry by lake groups has required significant staff time of the Invasive Aquatic Species Program in coordinating with the lake groups and working through bugs in the data upload. The majority of lake groups participated in the program in 2017 and more will likely come online in 2018.
Vulnerability Index and Predictive Model for Invasive Aquatic Plant Infestations
The first iteration of Maine’s lake Vulnerability Index to invasive aquatic plants was developed in 2004 by the Maine DEP and the Maine Natural Areas Program (within the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry). The purpose of this index is to assess the risk of Maine lakes to infestation by invasive aquatic plants. Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis was used to assign each lake a risk score using nine parameters grouped into three categories. Maine DEP revised the Vulnerability Index in 2017 with current data and evaluated the statistical significance of parameters used in the scoring.
In addition to updating the Vulnerability Index, DEP has developed a statistical model to predict if a Maine lake is infested with an invasive aquatic plant. The model provides an additional tool to assess a lake’s risk to invasive aquatic plants. Coupling the model prediction with the Vulnerability Index score helps DEP focus on at-risk lakes.
Maine DEP is again granting funds in 2018 to support local and regional programs to inspect watercraft (approximately $200,000 total available) and control invasive aquatic plant infestations (approximately $250,000 total available). Two additional grants totaling approximately $90,000 will support statewide and regional efforts on early detection monitoring, including training volunteers and tracking plant survey work.
For more information, please check DEP’s website
or email
The Rhode Island Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan (RIAIS Management Plan) as promulgated by the Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) was approved by the federal Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force (Task Force) in November 2007. As such the Task Force recognized the CRMC as the lead state agency responsible for implementing the RIAIS Management Plan. This report describes the CRMC’s achievements toward meeting this goal during the performance period 8/23/16 through 11/30/2017. The tasks listed below are from the CRMC’s RIAIS Management Plan budget as approved by the Task Force under Agreement Number F16AP00827.
Task 1F Coordinate AIS data collection, storage, and access
Accomplishments: The CRMC coordinated with the RINHS to maintain a centralized, comprehensive database on the biota of Rhode Island, the Biota of Rhode Island Information System (BORIIS). BORIIS is a custom MS Access application and linked ArcGIS project and organizes species lists from field inventory projects including invasive species monitoring.
Task 1G Develop early detection/rapid response strategy for new AIS Accomplishments: The CRMC coordinated with the RINHS and provided taxonomic expertise and best management practices on aquatic invasive plants for volunteers working on five ponds including:
• a private farm pond in Hopkinton detecting Trapa natans (water chestnut)
• a field visit to and survey of Moscow Pond, Hopkinton, for the Locustville Pond Improvement Association where we identified and mapped Myriophyllum heterophyllum (variable water milfoil)
• a private pond in Smithfield where we detected Myriophyllum aquaticum (parrot feather) and advised the owner about management
• a private pond/drainage structure in Bristol infested with Phragmites where the home owner association sought management advice
Task 2A Monitor the introduction and spread of AIS in coastal ecosystems
Accomplishments: The CRMC continued its volunteer-based AIS monitoring program established in 2009 to document the presence, distribution and abundance of AIS at floating docks at the following sites in Narragansett Bay:
• Save The Bay headquarters, Providence
• Allen Harbor Marina, North Kingstown
• Roger Williams University, Bristol
• Point Judith Marina, South Kingstown
• Fort Adams State Park, Newport
CRMC continued to hire an academic expert from the University of Rhode Island to provide training for volunteers interested in participating in field surveys. Field data continued to be collected at all five monitoring sites listed above this spring by trained volunteers. The academic expert hired by CRMC continued to provide in-the-field QA/QC for the volunteers.
The larval settlement plate survey established in 2011 has also been continued. The settlement plate devices consist of a set of five PVC settlement plates attached to floating docks at each of five sites located throughout Narragansett Bay. The plates provide a substratum for larval settlement and growth, which is monitored from the spring through the fall when the growing season ends. Three plates are collected and replaced monthly at each site and two plates remain in place throughout the monitoring period; voucher specimens and field data are collected, stored, and maintained for further analysis. In this way spawning events are continuously recorded for all species and peak community development data is obtained. The settlement plate study is intended to be continuously conducted at the following seven sites:
• Save The Bay headquarters, Providence
• Allen Harbor Marina, North Kingstown
• New England Boatworks, Middletown
• Point Judith Marina, South Kingstown
• Fort Adams State Park, Newport
The CRMC continued to distribute AIS field identification cards plus t-shirts and hats with the Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Project logo at outreach/education events, including a class trip for Middle School students from the Paul Cuffee School in Providence, RI.
The CRMC continued its eelgrass monitoring project, and for the first time investigated eelgrass beds in the coastal salt ponds along RI’s south coast; previous to this the CRMC had investigated eelgrass beds at various locations in Narragansett Bay. Professional SCUBA diving service were contracted to conduct a total of 27 dives in three coastal salt ponds, namely, Pt. Judith Pond, Narragansett; Quonochotaug Pond, Charlestown/Westerly; and, Ninigret Pond, Charlestown. Nine dives were conducted in each pond, and in each case 100 meter long transects were sampled every ten meters where 1/16 meter square quadrats were employed to define the area within which all eelgrass specimens growing within the quadrats are collected and analyzed for the presence and percent coverage of AIS growing as epiphytes on eelgrass shoots. Preliminary findings showed that AIS occur in all three ponds. Further analysis of the data will be conducted during 2018 to determine the impacts of AIS on native eelgrass beds in the coastal salt ponds.
Task 2B Monitor the introduction and spread of AIS in freshwater ecosystems
Accomplishments: The CRMC coordinated with the Department of Environmental Management Office of Water Resources to continue surveys of freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers and streams for AIS. Funding has allowed DEM to continue to retain a seasonal employee to support its activities. Field investigations continue to be targeted toward water bodies currently lacking data on the presence or absence of AIS as well as waterbodies being actively managed for AIS. DEM also continues to build and manage the statewide dataset on AIS in freshwater bodies and update the corresponding statewide map. The map, which is updated annually, is available at:
Task 3B Initial and refresher training on ID of AIS for monitors
Accomplishments: The CRMC and RINHS, with other stakeholders, maintained the capacity of citizen water quality monitoring programs in Rhode Island to include monitoring of freshwater invasive species among their reportable data. RINHS contributed taxonomic expertise and support for volunteer monitors to identify and document freshwater AIS in Rhode Island. The University of Rhode Island Watershed Watch Program also contributed to this effort by encouraging monitors’ attention to invasives during training and organizing and supervising volunteers in the field. In addition, RINHS conducted long-term monitoring at high risk or high value freshwater systems that not otherwise monitored for the presence of AIS.
Task 3C Educate public on dangers of releasing non-natives into local waters
Accomplishments ;The CRMC coordinated with the Department of Environmental Management Office of Water Resources and Divisions of Fish & Wildlife and Agriculture to continue a collaborative effort to develop and implement effective public awareness measures that will deter the public from releasing non-natives into local freshwaters. Outreach actions included bumper stickers and fact sheets distributed to targeted audiences including lake associations, the retail bait shops as well as expanded content on the DEM website. DEM maintains a display in the Office of Boating Registration that allows the public to pick up fact sheets. Educational bumper stickers continued to be provided to lake associations upon request.
Task 6C Prevent/minimize AIS introductions from recreational fishing and boating
Accomplishments: The CRMC coordinated with the Department of Environmental Management Office of Water Resources to continue the coordination of a multi-division effort within DEM to draft, promulgate and implement regulations imposing restrictions on the transport, possession and sale of prohibited aquatic invasive plants.
Program Update for April 2018 NEANS Meeting
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
Marine Invasive Species Program
Marine Invasive Monitoring and Information Collaborative (MIMIC):
MIMIC is CZM’s marine invasive species early detection and monitoring network involving trained volunteers and partner staff who monitor docks, rocky intertidal zones and tidepools in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. Since 2006, volunteers have monitored for the presence/absence and abundance of 16 established animal and plant species, and looked for 7 potential invaders. In the past few years CZM has worked with the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries to add eelgrass beds and artificial reefs to the monitored habitats.
The 2017 monitoring season was the 10th year of the MIMIC program. In April through October of 2017 CZM and 10 regional partners worked with more than 150 volunteers to monitor over 50 sites for a total throughout Massachusetts, and including sites in New Hampshire and southern Maine. In general, observation patterns were similar to prior years and no potential invaders from our monitoring list were documented.
New Invader “Spaghetti” Bryozoan (Amathia verticillata):
In the early fall of 2016, CZM staff observed a new invader that is not yet established in New England, although it has been observed a handful of times in Long Island Sound and once before in MA. This arborescent, colonial bryozoa called the “spaghetti” Bryozoan (Amathia verticillata) was observed at a monitoring site in New Bedford in the fall. It is thought that this species cannot currently survive New England winter temperatures, but can have “blooms” in the late summer/early fall with warm water temperatures. CZM, working with invasive scientists, continued to monitor for this species in 2017, documenting its presence in the fall of 2017 once again.
2018 Plans:
We plan to update our MIMIC species list and update materials for the citizen science monitoring program. We plan to pilot the new species list in the summer of 2018 and then finalize the list and materials for the 2019 monitoring season.
Every few years CZM along with state and non-profit partners, including several NEANS participants, conducts a more intensive rapid assessment survey (RAS) of docks along the New England coast using a standardized approach and working with a team of scientists that have species expertise. The last rapid assessment survey was in 2013 and CZM (with partners) is planning a “mini-RAS” in the Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts Bays and Casco Bay National Estuary Program regions.
NAS program updates 2017-2018:
– NAS spatial query map
Not long after the Nov. 2016 NEANS panel meeting, NAS released a new spatial query map on their website ( that allows the public to perform custom searches of our database and display occurrences on maps in real-time. In addition, data can be downloaded and maps can be saved in custom URLs from each spatial query.
– NAS mobile reporting app
We released a new mobile application ( for Apple iOS and Google Android devices to allow remote reporting of nonindigenous aquatic species sightings. This allows accurate data (species description and pictures) to be reported to the NAS system at the point of observation. This is in addition to our web-based reporting tool (
– New NAS staff
Dr. Wesley Daniel joins us from Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. At MSU, Wesley was a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife; where he led the creation of a national inland assessment of fish habitat for the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP). He brings with him expertise in landscape ecology, fishes, macroinvertebrates, and mollusks.
Cayla Morningstar is from Cincinnati, OH and received her B.A. in Zoology and Philosophy from Miami University in 2015. She is very passionate about aquatic conservation and likes to spend her time exploring natural Florida. Cayla brings to the NAS group expertise in aquatic invertebrates, especially freshwater mussels and snails.
– NAS Flood and Storm Tracker (FaST)
We developed a mapping tool ( that combines information on potential flooding associated with a storm event with known locations of established or possibly established nonindigenous species from the NAS database. The map identifies all drainages within the flood zone that have a nonindigenous species present or a risk of introduction from surrounding drainages. These maps will help natural resource managers determine potential new locations for individual species, or to develop a watchlist of potential new species within a watershed.
– NAS Alert Risk Mapper (ARM)
The NAS group is working on a new tool to characterize the potential water bodies at risk from a new nonindigenous aquatic species sighting within the eight states of the Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel (AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TX). Maps from NAS ARM will indicate lakes and/or river reaches that are at-risk of invasion from a new nonindigenous species sighting (an NAS Alert) in a drainage. We will roll out this tool in steps. The first stage will be to determine vulnerable waterbodies solely by using barriers within that drainage that can impede dispersal. This will be done for the Southeast Region only, initially. Later we will expand nationally. And lastly, we will include species-specific distribution potential of the organism (based on life history characteristics), such as ability to swim or only passively float, or to occupy mainstem rivers or small tributary streams. In time, the resulting risk map will accompany all future NAS alerts sent out to stakeholders and managers.
– NAS eDNA to be added to distribution maps
NAS will begin gathering results of eDNA monitoring and provide these as a separate layer on our distribution maps.
What MassDEP has done since November 2016:
• Four AIS Interns (Derek Li from Northeastern University, Salome Maldonado from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Niki Patel and Rebecca Newberry from Worcester State University) have worked on the MassDEP Invasive Species Database Development and Mapping Project since November 2016;
• Updated MassDEP Invasive Species Database has been shared with the following agencies and individuals: Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Charles River Watershed Association, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Water Chestnut Distribution from Laura Jones, Consultation to Justin Wilson on zebra mussel distribution and collection;
• Attended a meeting hold by the Connecticut River Hydrilla Control Group (Led by US Fish and Wildlife Services): provided AIS database template to the group, connect the group with USEPA for a potential workshop on Cyanobacteria and AIS Hand Pulling;
• Completed Mapping the Distribution of Invasive Corbicula fluminea (Asian clam) in Massachusetts and it is published in November 2017 in a scientific journal, Management of Biological Invasions. This publication is valuable to all New England States and the result will be presented in the coming NEAEB spring meeting in Burlington, VT;
• Field Equipment/Boat Decontamination Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the MassDEP 2017 Field Season was successfully implemented and we had a very successful lake survey field season;
• Provide several invasive species prevention and control presentations to communities:
Methods for Preventing the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species. Aquatic Invasive Plant Species in River Herring Runs by River Herring Network & Middleborough-Lakeville Fisheries Commission. Lakeville MA. March 7, 2018
Invasive Asian Clams in Massachusetts. Lake Quinsigamond Commission. Shrewsbury, MA. June 28, 2017
Best Practices for Trailered Watercraft Decontamination to Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species. The Nature Conservancy (Adirondack Chapter). Keene Valley, NY. April 27, 2017
• Provide invasive species talks during the 41st and 42nd NEAEB (New England Association of Environmental Biologists) Conference meetings:
David Wong, Richard Chase, Robert Nuzzo, Monica Conlin, Robert Maietta, Joan Beskenis, Jane Ryder, Laurie Kennedy. Road Salt Impacts on Native and Invasive Species in Massachusetts
David Wong, Eric Davis, Willard Harman. Prevent the Spread of Invasive Zebra Mussels with Environmentally Friendly Approach: Livewell Flushing with Garden Hose and Treatment with NaCl/KCl
Derek Peifeng Li, Jane Ryder, David Wong. Mapping Aquatic Invasive Species in Massachusetts
Niki Patel, Jane Ryder, David Wong. Invasive Swollen Bladderwort (Utricularia inflata) in Massachusetts
David Wong, Jane Ryder, Hana Colwell, Robert Nuzzo, Matthew Reardon, Rachel Holland, Jamie Carr. Do the 25 Asian Clam-Infested Lakes and Rivers in Massachusetts from 2001 to 2016 Show any Sign of Climate Change in the Region?
What MassDEP plans to do:
To complete the AIS invasive species list database development and mapping project with assistance from MassDEP interns
– NYS IS Comprehensive Management Plan is close to completion
– Great Lakes Program/NYSeaGrant Small Grants program is accepting proposals
-The first season of the Croton River Hydrilla Control Project was completed last fall. Next public stakeholder meeting is May 23, 2018. NYSDEC is project lead. We will be hiring a Project Manager in late April 2018.
– The first season of the Aurora Hydrilla Control Project (Cayuga Lake, Cayuga County) was completed in fall 2018. The project lead is USACE working in collaboration with FL PRISM and its stakeholders.
– The first season of the Tioga County Hydrilla Control Project was completed and involved a short term treatment of endothall. NYSDEC is project lead.
– Both the Erie Canal/Tonawanda Creek Hydrilla Control Project (Erie and Niagara Counties) and the Cayuga Inlet Hydrilla Control Project (Tompkins County) continue with resulting populations of hydrilla being much reduced.
– Additional traditional surveys and eDNA sampling will follow recent limited positive eDNA results for Northern Snakehead in the Oswego River.
– The Watercraft Steward Inspection Program app (linked to a centralized database) will be used by all large scale boat steward programs in NYS after a successful pilot season in 2017.
– In 2017 we had boat steward coverage at 187 locations in NYS. In 2018 we should exceed 200 locations.